Online Video Coaching series.
Well that's the first Lesson/Episode "In The Can" as the professionals say, so the journey has begun, it was a very long but exciting and satisfying day. Just amazing how Scott and assistant Noah turned the Clubhouse into a film studio.
The is the first generic Lesson/Episode covering all the correct Shotgun shooting Skills basics applicable whether you are a Game/Wing or Sporting Clays shooter, from Novice to experienced Gun. Then there will be two separate series, one with Lesson/Episodes covering Driven, Upland and Waterfowl Wing shooting and the Second series for Sporting Clays basics, Advanced Sporting Clays & F.I.T.A.S.C.
More details to follow as these Lessons will include some direct personal review time with me, dependant at what level you buy into the series.
The good news is that, there will at last, be the long awaited compendium book to follow on, once the whole series is finished.