Setting targets the Keith way....I will be uploading a article soon regarding the key elements of setting a good 'Sporting Course' Here's what Jim thinks... 'Jim Cowley' Host of Best clays course I have shot at in Illinois. 33964974_10156448545583894_1132810105494962176_n34143588_10156450949703894_623820171265441792_n34011414_10156448548313894_6212219647299682304_n  #KeithCoyle #Aheadofthegameshootingschool #ClayAndWingShootingInIllinois
I will be uploading a article soon regarding the key elements of setting a good 'Sporting Course' Here's what Jim thinks... 'Jim Cowley' Host of Best clays course I have shot at in Illinois. 33964974_10156448545583894_1132810105494962176_n34143588_10156450949703894_623820171265441792_n34011414_10156448548313894_6212219647299682304_n  #KeithCoyle #Aheadofthegameshootingschool #ClayAndWingShootingInIllinois