Here it is, the first post of the new year and its a great way to start, prior to Christmas week I had the great pleasure to spend time with Mike Graves, a Masterclass Sporting Clay's shot, who came over from Arizona for a 3 day intensive Coaching program.
We covered the whole aspect of shooting advanced low Gun techniques incorporating the "Churchill" instinctive method matching Gun movement with the target distance and speed, across a wide variety of targets from 60 yard crossing Midis, High Tower Driven, small window targets, Rabbits at all angles, close and long distance battues, long incoming dropping birds to list just a few.
Applying new techniques and skills in competition was a main part, looking at such things as getting the optimum Break point on the first target of a pair to give the perfect pick up point for the second, the timings and rhythm of shooting a pair plus of course mental approach of keeping relaxed and calm but focused!
Gun Fit was reviewed with a "Try Gun" and with a slightly adjusted and polished Gun Mount technique we achieved perfect results of consistent "Point Of Impact" as shown in the photo of the pattern plate.
With Mikes permission here is an extract from the email he sent after his first shoot following the coaching session:
"I have gone out and practiced the methods you taught me and I’m sold on what you introduced and taught me. I’ve consistently hit long targets that previously I would have struggled with and I now hit rabbits every time.
My practice has given me time to really work on form and understand the Technic better.
First thing I did when I returned to AZ was take my gun out and check stock fit. Turned out I seem to have the stock adjusted pretty much right on. I went to the patterning board to verify and was hitting a consistent 60/40."
Mike has developed considerable skills and I know he has the ability and the right mental approach to practice, that will take him consistently onto the winners rostrum.
So my thanks to you Mike in investing your trust and hard earned dollars in coming along to the school and I'm greatly looking forward to getting together again in the future to "Dust a few more clay's and share a good beer or 3, remember you are my walking advert so whether you hit em! or miss em! always do it with Style!!!