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Some Thought’s For The Day on the Magic of "Gun Fit"

"Never, have the stock of a gun bent or cast off to compensate for faults in gun mounting. These should be corrected, not by deforming the gun, but by improving your style". ROBERT CHURCHILL.

"Be careful in the selection of your first gun, for you will "grow" to it, and it will always influence you thereafter, perhaps in the wrong way" CHARLES ASKINS.

"Any stock that in its back recoil or kick does not automatically relieve the pressure on the cheek is entirely bad. That is, it does not fit the shooter, and it will sooner or later make him afraid of his gun". G.T. TEASDALE-BUCKELL.

The above quotations by three of the most famous traditional Instructors, Gun Fitters and Gun makers are still as relevant today as when they were written nearly ninety years ago.

I was reminded of them when I recently reread Michael Yardley’s excellent book “Gunfitting, The Quest for Perfection”, which in my opinion is the definitive modern written work on the subject, as he has gathered together a wealth of information not only on the technical aspect of fitting a Gun but also writes a comprehensive and very readable history on the whole subject.

Having myself been trained in Gun Fitting by the late and in my opinion the “Great”, Christopher Craddock, who was a protégé of the renowned Robert Churchill, I adhere to the principle of; it’s only a correct Gun Mount technique combined with the correct Shotgun (not rifle) Stance that will provide a true and optimum perfect fit for the shooter.

Remember it's "Only Perfect Practice that Makes Perfect" , Practicing "Bad Habits & Poor Technique" inevitably just makes You Worse! and you will never have a Gun that fits you properly!

Best wishes... Keith..


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