Subscribe now to receive the 'Ahead Of The Game ' newsletter.
With work underway to add a members section and coaching library to the website, there's quite a lot going on at the moment.
The response received from the recent articles posted to my Facebook Page has been overwhelmingly positive and I'd like to thank all those who have requested copies. Hopefully all these have now reached your e-mail boxes.
I am delighted to share that work is now underway to turn the 'Only Perfect Practice Makes Perfect' series into a book.
To make things a little easier for future articles etc, I will be including them as part of the 'Ahead Of The Game' newsletter.
As well as coaching articles & tips, the newsletter will keep you up-to-date with the latest news, events & offers taking place here at Green Acres Sportsman's Club, Illinois.
I am very fortunate to be offered some fantastic shooting days/trips from right across the globe. My newsletter will include the very latest dates that become available.
That's all for now folks........
Best wishes..... Keith
Head over to the contact page to join my mailing list today.