Green Acres Sporting Estate presents the “British Driven Trifecta”! This three day "Extravaganza" of Driven shooting, will be one of the most unique events in the history of American Sporting Shooting and this is your chance to be part of it! Over the long weekend of Friday the 6th October to Sunday 8th October Guns will shoot a day of unlimited Driven Clay Targets, a day of High Flying Tower Driven Pheasants and a Finale' day of Beaten Driven Mallard Ducks!!!!!! This exclusive 3 day event fee is: G.A. Members: $1,600.00 per Gun Non Members: $1,790.00 per Gun A brief itinerary is: *Thursday the 5th October Guns attend an evening "Meet & Greet" wine & super evening at the Green Acres Lodge. *Friday the 6th October The Downton Day Simulated British Driven Shoot. Unlimited Clay Targets *Saturday the 7th October The Grand Battue Driven Tower Pheasant shoot, 300 Bird Release. *Sunday the 8th October, The Estates Driven Flighted Mallard Shoot with its 300 Bird shot bag. This weekend is limited to 10 Guns (Places) with only 8 currently available, non shootings guests are welcome to come and join in the camaraderie and enjoy the events hospitality, fees are to be advised. To reserve your Peg on this truly unique Shooting event please call the Club office on 217 395 2588 or call Keith on 217 579 0229, or email cihrke@huntgreenacres.com as soon as possible, places will be allocated on a "first Come First served basis