Saturday 11th February
Deer Creek Hunt Club, Three Oaks, Michigan.
A full day interactive seminar presented by: British Shooting Instructor & Gun Fitter, Keith Coyle And Custom Stock Maker & Master Class Shooter, Alan Braner
Seminar Content & Itinerary
9.00 to 9.30am Arrive for meet and greet with Alan and Keith over coffee and morning pastries. 9.30. Introduction to the day and its program, short background brief by Alan & Keith.
10.00. Alan begins the first session with an explanation on the proper use of a Pattern Plate, what the correct sight picture looks like when looking down the barrel of a shotgun and how to use a laser correctly when practicing the gun mount. Keith follows with “Back to basics”, a review of why a Shotgun needs to be fitted to the individual and how standing correctly and the technique of mounting the gun to the eye in a consistent manner has a crucial effect on how a Gun is fitted.
11.00. Over coffee we will now open the morning for general questions.
11.30 The course now moves into the interactive phase as we will split into two equal groups to look at the techniques for Gun Mounting and Stance with Keith and individual Light (laser) Eye Rib alignment assessment with Alan and how the combination of these two crucial elements of this unique system enables him to produce the perfect stock for the user.
12.30. Lunch is served
1.30 One group will move to the Pattern Plate and working with Alan, will establish correct barrel eye alignment with the users own Gun/s. The other group will move to the practice area with Keith to work on Gun Mounting techniques.
2.30. Groups rotate.
3.30. Both groups join up at 5 Stand area and will round off the day by shooting 1 rounds of 5 Stand just for fun!
4.00 We return to the Clubhouse where each Shooter will be given his/her own individual Gun Fit chart with both existing measurements and those alterations that may be recommended.
Keith and Alan will be happy to continue to answer questions and discuss topics arising from the day’s course and shooters are free to depart at their leisure up to 5.00.
The cost of the course is $550.00 all-inclusive and places are strictly limited. Shooters must provide their own shells (Suggest 75/100).
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