I am privileged to offer this truly Bucket List Event, with permission of her Grace, Lady Fairhaven of the Kirtling Estate, Suffolk, in Conjunction with the 6,500 acre Ampton Estate Suffolk.

A weeks shooting to include 2 Driven Pheasant & Partridge days and 1 Evening Flighted Duck shoot.
These are two of the finest private estates in Englands, East Anglia region (past home of the American 8th Air Force) and accommodation will be in the 16th Century Tudor Swan Hotel in the village of Lavenham.
If you are interested in finding out more about this once in a lifetime shooting trip in November of this year, which will include a Shoot Diner with Lady Fairhaven herself please email me direct on kpcoyle53@gmail.com or via the Green Acres office on 217 395 2588