Setting targets the Keith way....
I will be uploading a article soon regarding the key elements of setting a good 'Sporting Course' Here's what Jim thinks... 'Jim Cowley'...

Hook & Hunt TV
A few weeks ago good friend Jim Crowley, of Hook & Hunt TV, came to Green Acres and compiled a short promotional video for the...

Another super day
Winding down after another super day, I would like to thank all those that came along and had a great time, and I want to say a huge...

Out having a shoot with Dan - Video
Check out our picturesque sporting clays course This my personal favorite stand. #KeithCoyle #Aheadofthegameshootingschool...

Kenya Ramirez of Wand TV News
Breaking News !!! Today we had the privilege of being interviewed by Kenya Ramirez of Wand TV News who are featuring our "Downton Day"...

2018 English Open Sporting Clay Champs
Just received the most brilliant news a friend who was a past pupil has just shot a superb round at the 2018 English Open Sporting Clay...

Sporting Clays Course Setting
Since recently posting some photos of the Green Acres Sporting Clay course that I redesigned and refurbished, I have been asked what is...

Having received some rather splendid news today following a conversation with my good friend and Colleague John Wiles of Best Wing...

As I have mentioned in earlier articles, a common reason why targets are missed is because the initial stance and target address is...

So why did I miss?
Static target shooting (rifle and pistol) affords the opportunity for the competitor to see the result of the shot, analyse what went...

Simulated Driven Shooting - Shooting Sportsman Magazine
Very nice to be listed in the Shooting Sportsman's magazine as a recommended venue for both Simulated & Live British Driven Wing...

English Sporting - 5 Stand & our Unique "Rabbit Skeet"
For those that haven't visited Green Acres in a while this is a quick picture tour of our English Sporting Clay's Course Stands. We also...

“Gadgets & Gizmos!”
I guarantee one of the first questions that a client coming on their first lesson asks me is what chokes and cartridges are the best...

Low Gun Or High Gun That Is The Question part 2
So in this follow on article, I will expand on developing the Low Gun (Gun Down) technique and look at how to apply it when faced with a...